Learn more about Cookham Matters

Welcome to the Cookham Matters blog!  Cookham really matters to me, and I want to take a bet that it matters to you too.  I’d like to support this community by creating a place that connects all of us, as much or as little as you want.  A resource where you can learn more about the beautiful village environment we live in, the local people and business that help support us and the leisure activities and that we all enjoy.  When I say “leisure”, you can assume that there more than a healthy bias on food and drink.  I’m looking forward to having a proper excuse to talk to even more of you, and hoping that by reinforcing the connections in our village, we can build an even stronger sense of community. 

You are going to have to bear with me – I’m still learning the technology to make it happen.  And I’m keen to understand what and who you are interested in, so I can share what you want to read - so please don’t be shy, contact me with your ideas. 


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